Media, Elements and Principles, Content, History and Cultures, Analysis, Interpretation and Evaluation, Connections.
Art is an essential part of the curriculum and lives of the students at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School. Classroom activities from grades K-8 help students make connections between the visual arts, other disciplines in the curriculum, and everyday life.
By offering a discovery-based art program that allows student exploration and choice, we are forming young artists to be the creative thinkers, innovative leaders, and problem solvers of tomorrow.
Our visual arts program heightens the educational experience with not only Art Production and Techniques but Art Appreciation (understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures), Art Criticism (analysis, interpretation and evaluation of their own and others’ work) and the Aesthetics of all things beautiful in our world, developing the Spiritual, Intellectual, Social, Emotional and Physical needs of the students in both independent and group projects.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a program that allows our students (Pre-K through 3rd) to develop a personal relationship with God as they discover the beauty and mystery of our Lord. Trained catechists guide students by presenting lessons in the Atrium using a Montessori approach. The themes of our faith presented in the Atrium are those with which children respond with depth and joy. The basis of the presentations given in the Atrium flow from the Bible and the liturgy.
5-8th grade students receive instruction in computers on a rotating schedule. Computer class emphasizes Microsoft Office Suite products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher), Digital Citizenship, appropriate and ethical use of eDevices, Britannica School, and integration with curricular subjects.
Pre-kindergarten through 5th grade attend Latin on a rotating schedule. 6-8th Grade students choose a foreign language to concentrate in and attend class daily; choices include: Latin, French or Spanish.
The mission of the Outdoor Learning Center is to provide a living classroom that nourishes academic growth, cultivates a sense of community, enriches prayer life, and nurtures faithful stewardship of God's creation. The garden is open to all St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School students and is used for a variety of lessons including Nature Studies, Math (determining perimeter, area & volume of plant beds), Science (seed germination), Art, Religion (prayer & reflection), and Health (nutrition).
Vocal, Instrumental, Improvisation, Composition, Notation, Analysis, Evaluation, Connections, History, and Cultures.